Friday, June 30, 2006
I haven't heard from Amazon since an email address change several years ago, so I don't know if their affiliate system even still works the same way it did before. I'm always putting off doing book related posts here until I straighen that out and can make money off of it.
I also can't believe that I haven't really reviewed The Holy Land yet, unless you consider mentioning it here once in awhile to constitute a review. I cannot for the life of me figure how Zubrin figured out that I existed, let alone got the idea of sending me an autographed copy. He's kind of a literary hero of mine for some of his non-fiction, but I'm pretty sure I've never mentioned that online. Anyway, it's a good one. It's an allegory, so everything's something, it's not always obvious what each thing in the story is meant to correspond to, but it's always worth the effort to figure it out. One reason I didn't review it immediately upon finishing it is that I had this idea that I had to find some stuff wrong with it in order to sound objective or something, and it's pretty nearly perfect on it's own terms. The worst fault I could find is that toward the end I found myself yelling "That's the problem with you Jews, you'll never consider the possiblity that simply annihilating the enemy could be more moral in the long run than playing Dudley Doright and letting the bloodbath continue indefinitely!" Of course, a lot of things make me yell that.