Wednesday, June 01, 2005
A fun, cute, non-Toby dog game.
I've discovered the "Save as Draft" button, so recent posts have been taking the form of lists with only one item, then languishing while I try to think of twelve more. Soon I expect to put up an out of date post enumerating reasons why I'm not sanguine about the McCainiac fillibuster compromise, when it probably would have been more appropriate to just make the #1 reason the thesis of an essay.
Speaking of lists, I feel I must rebut this piece of reactionary relativism (sarcasm alert; this blogger largely concurs with the aforelinked piece), and defend the non-partisan humanitarians of Amnesty International. Guantanamo really is similar to the Gulags in numerous ways:
- Both begin with "Gu".
- Both contained people who wished to be elsewhere.
- Both were located whithin the troposphere of the Earth.
- Prisoners in Guantanamo are denied rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution and the Geneva Convention (to American citizens, non-combatants, and uniformed soldiers),
- Both were government operations, staffed by military personel subject to common human frailties.
This list is under construction, and is not inteded to be comprehensive. A complete ennumeration of the eiry parallels between Guantanamo and the Gulags would be huge, and would constitute conclusive proof that the two institutions are virtually identical.