Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Pay some attention to who it is who's saying that our system of checks and balances suddenly means that the it is unconstitutional for the legislature to LEGISLATE, and that the courts, unacountable to the voters, must also be unacountable to the other two branches? Are these people who you trust? These are the same lawyers who have no regard for any of your Constitutionally enumerated rights, the same socialists who assert rights to take your property and force you to do things you don't want to do, and the same ignorant majority that every poll shows is going to vote for Ross Perot or consume some product which they go ahead and make and then no one actually consumes it.
Link via The Queen Of The Pixies, who's softness for Popery I do not share. Just thought I'd mention that in case any of you think that "Due Process For Terri Schiavo" is code for "Ban Condoms".