I thought of some more names for Canada.
- Beaverland
- Ultima Vermont
- Great Gaelic Scotland
- Hyperboringa
- Syruptopia
- Permission-from-the-Queen-of-England-istan
That's all for now.
Here's a bio of
Shohreh Aghdashloo, the actress who play's terrorist mom on 24. Here's a post about her, with an interesting comment to which you might like to reply, on
the 24 blog. If
Dave Barry dosen't link to this, I'll eat a novelty hat made of something edible.
Well, it looks like the results of the little election I had here are invalid because the voter turnout was too low, like in Serbia. Just kidding, that makes it
extra valid, because the decicion was made by the only four people who gave it any thought. Man, Serbians are worthless piles of crap! Accordingly, I've removed Jackhole, The Original Musings, and The Machinery Of Night from the blogroll. I'll probably remove all the other candidates sometime next week.
I've been getting viruses every time I play an online game lately, so I probably won't be linking to as many of them. OK, one
tiny little game.
Here's some
good news from Andrew Borntreger of