Meet The Fokkers last night with some friends who's taste in movies I paternalistically indulge. It was better than I expected. For one thing, Whoopi Goldberg was not in it, as I was expecting for some reason. The Striesand element was fairly minimal, and there was a lot of DeNiro and Hoffman. It was nice to see Ben Stiller once again doing humor not
entirely based on looking surprised and having violent diahrea. I was fairly amused, as if I were watching an unusually crude Seinfeld episode padded out to movie length. I really like Seinfeld. I love what
this guy has to say about the movie (which unfortunately contained NO triplanes!)
Meanwhile, the EU landed a robot on Titan, and pretty much only one blog that I know of has anything to say about it (that would be
Life At The Frontier). I'm in a very January mood right now, from the weather, reading about Titan, and a Dimension X episode I heard on the radio last night. I missed the end of it, but I was able to find the Fritz Leiber story it was based on today:
A Pail Of Air.