Sunday, May 25, 2003
BLOOD: Human circulatory fluid, too precious to be shed for the sake of
oil, domestic order, or national security, but not too precious to be shed
for the sake of personal empowerment or social justice.
QUETZALCOATL: Pre-Columbian, hence virtuous, American deity
syncretistically analogous to the ancient Middle Eastern Baal.
MAYA ANGELOU: A semi-divine member of the Oprahic pantheon. As national
poet-laureate, her great spiritual powers enable her to churn out limitless
quantities of fungibly sentimental verbiage, which lend it's patrons an air
of cultural sophistication without associating themselves with dead white
males or conventional asthetics.
NEW: Ways of doing things that are informed by 1960s attitudes, 19th
century economic and social theories, ancient Roman "bread and circuses"
policies, and primeval jungle situational ethics.
HELLO: Republican codeword greeting, precise meaning determined by the
group identity of the addressee. When addressed to a woman it means "I
intend to deprive you of control of your body in order to make myself feel
big." When a Republican directs this word at a racial minority, the meaning
becomes "I'm behaving in all ways as if I were not a racist, in order to
fool everyone."