Tuesday, March 04, 2003
I’m begginging to appreciate something that Bill Clinton did right. When he indulged in foriegn adventurism, he just went for it and presented the world with a fait accompli. Many on the Right now find it noteworthy that there was much less vocal opposition to Clinton’s interventions than there is to “Bush’s War”, and attribute this discrepancy to left-wing bias on the part of the media, the U.N., etc. It seems likely to me that the more significant reason for this difference is that Clinton went about his bussiness in a way that was much more politically astute, if less effective in terms of military objectives. If he’d talked about bombing Serbia for as long as the current “rush to war” has been dragging on, that would have resulted in exactly the same sort of opposition we are hearing now. It has taken this long for it to get this bad.
If school vouchers are unconstitutional because some of those who receive them may choose non-secular educations for their children, then food stamps are unconstitutional because their recipients may spend them on ayurvedic or kosher foods.
Why do dominatrixes all have to have such
Communism actually worked out better in practice than in theory. If the Soviets had operated strictly by the book, they couldn’t have kept an apartment complex running for a month, let alone maintained a continent stradling empire for almost a century, not to mention an enviable space program.
It is of course not neccessarily the case that someone opposed to a particular position on foriegn policy is unpatriotic. However, an American carrying a sign that says, in effect, “America Is Bad” is unpatriotic. It is perfectly understandable that an objective observer would suspect those who keep company with such as these of sharing their beliefs. It is equally reasonable to generalise that those on the Left, who often attribute evils such as war to excessive patriotism, are on the whole, somewhat less patriotic than those on the Right, who often attribute evils such as war to insufficient patriotism. After all, “ultra-nationalism” is the main reason why Leftists so often describe Rightists as “fascists” or “Nazis”.